

Also called: school sores
A highly contagious skin infection that causes red sores on the face.
  • Short-term: resolves within days to weeks
  • Treatable by a medical professional
  • Spreads by skin-to-skin contact
  • Requires a medical diagnosis
  • Lab tests or imaging rarely required
Impetigo mainly affects infants and children.
Very common: More than 3 million US cases per year
Consult a doctor for medical advice Sources: Mayo Clinic and others. Learn more
Impetigo is a bacterial infection that involves the superficial skin. The most common presentation is yellowish crusts on the face, arms, or legs.
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Sep 12, 2022 · Krentenbaard zit meestal rond de neus of mond. Op de huid komen wondjes, rode of donkere plekjes of blaasjes met korstjes.
Krentenbaard. Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection which causes itchy sores and blisters. It's very common and usually affects children ...
From krent (“currant, dried grape”) +‎ -en- +‎ baard (“beard”).
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Krentenbaard is een ontsteking van de huid. Op de huid komen wondjes en rode of donkere plekken met blaasjes en korstjes. Meestal is dit rond de neus of ...
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Krentenbaard of impetigo is een van de meest besmettelijke huidinfecties die we kennen. Lees alles over de symptomen, behandelingen en hoe te voorkomen.
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